Annual Awards 

     Each year, The 200 Club of Monmouth County recognizes first responders in Monmouth County who go above and beyond the call of duty to protect the communities they serve. The awards given out include Certificates of Recognition, Plaque Awards, Commendation Awards, Merit Awards... all the way up to The 200 Club's highest and most prestigious award, The Valor Award.  

     If you know any police officers, firefighters, emergency personnel, or first aid who are deserving of an award, please let us know. We are looking for first responders who placed his or her life on the line or have saved a life in an extraordinary manner during the past calendar year.  

   In order for our committee to properly evaluate applicants for awards, a senior officer must complete an awards submission form (available below) and provide documentation about the incident. Completed submission forms can be emailed to for consideration. Award presentations are made at our Annual Awards Luncheon each summer.